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Tweaking the Fan level to be passport specific instead of team specific for the sake of better giveaway eligibility

I love the progress that the app has made and it continues to be a daily staple in my daily routine. If there was one tweak I would make to the app is that I would change how the fan coins are tied to a specific team. I am a NY sports fan (Knicks, Giants, Yankees, Rangers & Liberty in that order) but it’s very difficult to consume enough content for each team in the app in a single day to accumulate enough levels to be able to enter the awesome rewards offered in the app such as Giants/vikings 2 for 1 giveaway currently going on. So the change I’d like to pitch is that your fan passport level be an accumulation of all the content/interactions consumed through the app and not through each individual team. So for example I would have a Level 6 ranking in my fan passport and that ranking is achieved through 40% of my time spent consuming/interacting with Knicks content on the app, 20% giants content, 20% Yankees content, 15% Rangers content & 5% Liberty content. This passport rating would allow the user to enter any Level 6 rated or lower giveaway on the app, regardless of what the individual fandom rating a user currently has with each specific team allowing them to participate in more giveaways instead of missing out on them because more of their fandom is invested in another sport/team. Thoughts?

Robert Waichman 5 months ago